Art Installations

Art installations are an engaging way for brands to connect with their audience and create memorable experiences. Companies, visionaries and private individuals with artistic concepts have used Architectural Plastics as a conduit to make their dreams into reality. Bespoke projects, many never attempted before, are a passion for the talented designers and fabricators at Architectural Plastics.

Public art installations, whether temporary or permanent, can be a means to stand out from normal marketing channels and advertising methods. The virtually limitless possibilities of the art world are at your disposal to make your brand more than just another faceless company.

Private art installations are always more personal. Many clients have had ideas in their heads for years before coming to Architectural Plastics. The sales staff and design team enjoy working with clients to truly understand the “why” of their concept. This helps frame the ultimate design and fabrication methods used to create the artwork.

  • Architectural Plastics and its fabrication team are known for their flawless glue seams. This is made possible by a proprietary glue formulated at Architectural Plastics and specialized fabrication techniques. Cases can be made to your specifications or designed by Architectural Plastics to suit your needs in both vitrine and wall mounted solutions.

  • We collaborate with world-class artists to bring their complex concepts to life, specializing in value engineering and fabrication in acrylic and wood. Our expertise ensures that visionary art projects are meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards for public display. Partner with us to transform artistic ideas into stunning, tangible installations that captivate and inspire.

  • We excel in designing and crafting bespoke art pieces for corporate offices, restaurants, and retail spaces. Our team combines creative vision with precise fabrication techniques in acrylic and wood to produce stunning, high-quality installations. Enhance your space with our unique, custom-made art that leaves a lasting impression on clients and customers alike.